
The role of the co-educator

Integrating the co-educator into the drama classroom has given our NQT diarist some food for thought. Should they support those students who struggle, or should this be where the teacher focuses their efforts?

I have noticed in recent weeks as the staff number within our school increases, that I am beginning to see the introduction of a co-educator within some of my lessons – a new phenomenon to me and one which has thrown me some what.

Although my PGCE taught me of their importance within a classroom setting theoretically, performing arts within my placement schools rarely saw me having to practically use one, more asking another member of staff to “pretend” to be a co-educator within an observation so that I could meet the required standards to pass the course.

The few co-educators that I did encounter within my placements were targeted to a selected student in the class, usually an SEN student, which has meant that now that I have one at my disposal, I am needing to ask for help as to how to go about really making the most of their presence.

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