
Three o'clock dossers

Teaching staff
Are you a 3pm dosser? Come on! Hands-up! Sir Michael "Well 'Ard" Wilshaw wants you to work harder...

Are you out of the gates at three o’clock?

That’s 3pm. Do you leg it early? Do you scuttle out, swivel-eyed, down the back alley to the boozer?

Come on! Hands up! 

And some of you are asking for a pay rise? Well, you can forget it – according to Sir Michael “Well ‘Ard” Wilshaw. You “must work much harder” and go “the extra mile” – or 10. No dosh for you, unless you drudge until you drop. Yikes! Has he really seen a teacher leaving at 3pm? My chums work like billyho – like Shelley, say, in her West London Academy.

Let’s check a typical day.

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