
Three warnings over performance-related pay

Trade unions
While cautiously welcoming plans for performance-related pay, Brian Lightman has three significant warnings.

When we gave evidence to the School Teachers’ Review Body about changes to teachers’ pay and conditions, we argued that a period of tight financial constraint was not the time make major changes. 

We did not say that out of a principle of resistance to change. Indeed we do not have a difficulty with performance-related pay progression, which has applied to school leaders for many years.

However, our collective experience tells us that change of this kind always costs money and has the potential to distract school staff from their core business of raising standards if not properly implemented. 

We often hear quoted the 2010 PISA report which stated that the quality of an education system cannot exceed the quality of its teachers. In order to make our schools as good as they possibly can be, we need a motivated, valued, supported and highly skilled workforce. This goes hand-in-hand with first-rate professional development, and an integral part of that is a strong, clearly defined system of performance management and appraisal. 

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