The government is finally talking about doing more to tackle issues of teacher retention, but workload remains the key battleground

It is safe to say that there will be many issues on the desk of new education secretary Damian Hinds, as well as many people lining up in person and online to proffer their advice.

All of this will be deemed important, albeit to varying degrees. The job of a government minister is to decide what’s actually important – what will make a genuine difference in the world beyond Westminster.

Here’s one thing we can agree on: few suggestions will be quite as pressing as working out how to prevent so many teachers leaving the profession early.

More than 10 per cent of teachers leave within one year of qualifying and 30 per cent leave within five years. Why they have made that decision is the million dollar question. Indeed, in terms of the actual cost to the education system, it is worth a good deal more than that.

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