
We must be bold on behalf of our students

When you retire, no-one will thank you for your data analysis skills or effective appraisal management – it is what you do for your children and their families that counts, says Geoff Barton

These are indeed strange times. Just when our nation needs leadership of the highest calibre, we appear to have exactly the opposite.
Instead of vision, we have infighting and grandstanding. When we should be looking outwards, we appear to be looking self-absorbedly inwards. When we should be exuding a confident and principled sense of who we are and where we are going, we instead seem rudderless, drifting, chaotic.

Some years ago I remember Terry Waite, special envoy to the Archbishop of Canterbury, saying: “It seems as if the children act as adults and the adults act as children.”

Certainly, as any school or college leader knows – and certainly the teams who look after pastoral care – many of the familiar boundaries have blurred.

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