
Were you prepared well enough for classroom life?

After Sir Michael Wilshaw’s recent comments on teacher training and retention, Julian Stanley asks how we can better support and mentor new teachers.

“IT IS a national scandal that we invest so much in teacher training and yet an estimated 40 per cent of new entrants leave within five years,” said Ofsted chief inspector Sir Michael Wilshaw during an address at the North of England Education Conference.

Sir Michael’s comments raise a very important question. While, year-on-year, either through Teach First or the more traditional university routes, the teaching profession continues to attract enthusiastic, optimistic young practitioners, why are so many of them dropping out? Theories are numerous.

The chief inspector and the shadow education secretary Tristram Hunt suggest pupil behaviour could be key. Indeed, new YouGov research, commissioned by Teacher Support Network, also reflects this: 49 per cent of the teachers who responded felt that pupil behaviour in their school had gotten worse in the last five years. This poor behaviour had led 

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