
White working class boys

Teaching staff
He’s 30 and stoned again on Stella or worse, with a mastiff munching vigorously on a traffic cone. I mustn’t go too Dickens here, but someone’s surely failed him. You? Me? Who knows?

Says who? Ofsted, in a recent report. Said boys’ alliterative proclivities nourish failure in comprehensive schools. The three Fs are, apparently, not conducive to three As and consequent Russell Group entry. So know we know.

Some might deem these observations a rather toxic mix of condescension, ignorance and insult and give Ofsted a whopping “unsatis”. Whatever, we can’t duck this thorniest of problems. Why do comprehensives fail too many working white class boys? 

No-one’s ever cracked this. Not Richard Hoggart on literacy, Basil Bernstein on speech, nor Owen Jones on “Chavs”. So many theories claim our attention – it’s our post-industrial, post-crash society or the demonisation of the working class – or absent fathers, lousy housing, Turkey Twizzlers, Wayne Rooney. The lot. Whatever. Take your pick. And now David Willetts, University Minister weighs in.

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