
Who is education actually for?

After a CPD session focused on 'stakeholder management', our NQT diarist reflects on who our education is really designed for and whether it has pupils' best interests at its heart.

According to Mick Lyons, newly appointed president of the NASUWT union, we NQTs are entering a profession that is being “attacked by interests who do not recognise the intrinsic value of education, who want to control the curriculum and dictate the work of teachers, and who are determined to strip us of our professionalism”.

Perhaps it is the ever-lasting winter we’ve been enduring, but these words sent a chill through me; are we teachers given so little recognition for our skills, viewed as so untrustworthy, so incapable of developing and nurturing the best ways to educate our own pupils?

Such concerns were drifting about my head as I sat, locked away from the first glimpses of spring sunshine, in the Teach First offices for a session of early Saturday morning CPD.

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