
Why we were right to strike

Trade unions
After thousands of NUT members walked-out last month, Christine Blower warns that unless they see a change of direction more strike action will follow.

Thousands of teachers across England and Wales took strike action on March 26 against excessive workload and bureaucracy, the introduction of performance-related pay and dismantling of the national pay framework and unfair changes to teachers’ pensions.

Despite being the only teachers’ union to that took the action, members still felt it was essential they made a stand. It was a clear demonstration that teachers are thoroughly tired of the intolerable pressures they are being put under by the government.

Strike action is a last resort for teachers but for many they have reached the end of their tether. The issues we took action over are not only detrimental to teachers, they risk affecting standards of education for all children and young people in schools and colleges.

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