In this 12-page guide, we consider how the lockdown will have affected young people’s wellbeing and mental health, what challenges we expect to see as more students return, and how schools must respond...


Our free Back to School guides offer advice ahead of September and the wider opening of schools.

This free 12-page download features a range of contributions from experts in mental health, wellbeing, safeguarding, SEND and other relevant areas – all offering practical advice and ideas for how we can support students returning to school post-lockdown.

Articles include:

  • Spotting the signs: 10 mental health challenges to look-out for
  • Safeguarding: Domestic violence incidents
  • Safeguarding: What signs to look-out for
  • Planning for September: What will school ‘feel like’?
  • SEN students and masking behaviours
  • A case study: Prioritising relationships with pupils – and families
  • The psychological impact on older students
  • Trauma-informed schools: Opportunities to talk
  • Behaviour: Preparing our responses

You can download the PDF of all articles by clicking here.


There are four guides in this Back to School series published by SecEd and our sister magazine Headteacher Update.

  • The first guide published on July 1 and focused on students wellbeing and mental health. Click here.
  • The second guide published on July 8 and focused on staff support and wellbeing. Click here.
  • The third guide published on July 15 and focused on teaching and learning. Click here.
  • The fourth guide published on September 2 and focused on technology and remote education. Click here.

For each guide, there is a related episode of The SecEd Podcast featuring further best practice discussion, advice and guidance. These podcasts are publishing in September and October 2020. Find them at