

Guide To: Spain's Visiting Teacher Programme

Spain's Visiting Teachers Programme enables schools in England to recruit qualified teachers from Spain to teach modern foreign languages for a period of one to three years.

Spain's Visiting Teachers Programme (SVTP) is funded by the Department for Education (DfE) and is run in partnership with Spain’s Ministry of Education, along with commercial partner Randstad. It is open to all state-funded secondary and primary schools in England.

This SecEd Guide To offers an overview of the SVTP, including how it works in practice, how schools can register, and what schools in England can expect from the programme.

It also includes a case study of how one school has successfully used the programme and a profile of one of the Spanish teachers recruited to teach modern foreign languages in England via the SVTP.

Published in March 2020 in partnership with Randstad.

Guide To: Spain's Visiting Teacher Programme: Click here to download