

Guide To: The Future of Digital Learning

This 16-page guide – produced by SecEd and Pearson – supports school leaders and teachers as they evaluate their use of technology and consider how they intend to develop their digital learning approaches in the coming months

The guide discusses the future of Digital Learning in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic and the remote education revolution, but from a clearly practical and forward-looking point of view – looking at what practices we should be keeping in the post-Covid world.

The guide is intended to be used as a self-reflection tool for school leaders and teachers, asking questions to help you evaluate your use of digital learning, your development plans for the year ahead, confirm or identify areas for development, and feed into their thinking about next steps.

Throughout the guide, we signpost to the research, resources, assessments, training and services that Pearson provides to support schools, teachers, students and their families. Download this free guide below and for more on Pearson's work, visit https://go.pearson.com/TechSE

This guide is also accompanied by an episode of the SecEd Podcast discussing the future of digital learning and edtech in schools, including lots of ideas for practice and your teaching. Access this by clicking here.

Content in the guide includes:

  • What next for digital learning and edtech, post-pandemic?
  • A new era of blended learning and how Pearson can support schools
  • CPD to improve digital learning
  • Parental engagement: Building on the lessons of Covid-19
  • Assessment & homework practices
  • How Pearson can support digital learning

Guide To: The Future of Digital Learning: Click here to download.


This guide has been produced by SecEd with sponsorship from Pearson. It was written to a brief agreed with Pearson and published in November 2021.