
Research Insights 2015: Evidence-based best practice

A partnership between SecEd and the NFER has seen the publication of an on-going series of research-based articles offering practical and useful advice and information to help schools improve outcomes in key areas.

The NFER and SecEd Research Insights articles offer a wealth of evidence-based, best practice and advice covering a range of whole-school and classroom issues. This PDF offers free access to the articles published between April 2015 and March 2016.

Research topics featured on the Research Insights page during this time and included in this free PDF include:

  • The key building blocks to successful Pupil Premium strategies, including the common factors found in successful Pupil Premium schools.
  • New research into flipped learning identifying what this approach can offer students in terms of more active and personalised learning and improved progress.
  • Three new reports that offer a range of teaching and learning strategies in maths and science,
    all based on international evidence.
  • A look at effective alcohol education as part of PSHE programmes.
  • What do parents look for and prioritise when it comes to choosing a school for their children?
  • What makes for an effective work experience placement? A look at the findings of recent research into overcoming common barriers to placements and innovative approaches

All our Research Insights seek to offer crucial, evidence-based advice to teachers and school leaders across a range of issues vital to successful secondary education and teaching.

You can download this PDF by clicking here.