
SecEd Autumn Edition (September 2022)

Whole-school issues
The Autumn 2022 edition of SecEd offers 48 pages of in-depth, research-based and expert best practice, advice and guidance relevant to secondary schools, including a seven-page pdf download focused on the effective use of INSET time

This edition offers best practice articles covering topical issues including the attainment gap, school funding, performance management, inclusive schools, digital divide, work/life balance, safeguarding, mental health, lesson planning, mentoring, pedagogy, teaching assistants, school libraries, banning mobile phones and much more.

The edition also includes research analyses, case studies, news and research summaries, comment & opinion, and the latest resources.

In addition, it features our latest eight-page Best Practice Focus special report (pages 21-28), which sets out a propose for how schools can revolutionise their INSET days. The download argues that INSET days just do not work – and we should stop pretending that they do. They are often grossly inefficient and appallingly wasteful of precious resources. But what can we do to make them better? Author Joel Wirth considers how INSET needs to change if they are to be an effective part of whole-school CPD practice.

CLICK HERE: SecEd Digital Edition Autumn 2022

Further edition highlights include articles on:

  • The changing shape of performance management
  • The three pillars of inclusion
  • Work/life balance for teachers: Seven tips
  • Closing the digital divide: What can schools do?
  • Education technology: What is pedtech?
  • Safeguarding: child to parent abuse
  • Creating a culture of mental health
  • Sharing lesson planning with teaching assistants
  • Five principles of effective mentoring
  • School libraries and reading development
  • The growing case for banning mobile phones in school

This edition published on September 12, 2022.

All inquiries to editor Pete Henshaw, via