The cost-of-living crisis and the attendance challenges emerging after the pandemic are high priorities for all schools. SecEd’s annual vulnerable learners supplement offers practical, expert insights into how we can boost attendance, address emotionally based school avoidance, and tackle the impact of poverty in our schools

When it comes to supporting our most vulnerable students, the cost-of-living crisis and the attendance challenges emerging after the pandemic are high on our priority list.

This year, SecEd’s free 18-page annual vulnerable learners supplement focuses on boosting attendance for these young people and tackling the impact of poverty. It includes practical advice from colleagues working in our schools as well as three case studies of how schools are supporting their students.

We also discuss how we can address emotionally based school avoidance, including 10 ideas to make your schools feel safe for young people, and how we can best identify and support students with multiple vulnerabilities.

Vulnerable learners: Attendance & poverty: Click here to download

Articles in the supplement include:

  • Cost of living in 2023: Supporting students beyond the crisis
  • Stepping stones: Using online alternative provision
  • A safeguarding-first approach to attendance
  • School avoidance: Ten ideas to make schools feel safe for vulnerable students
  • School avoidance: Risk and protective factors
  • Case study: There's always another option – identifying and supporting vulnerable students
  • Case study: Creating a Vulnerable Learners' Strategy for your school
  • Case study: Poverty-proofing your school
  • Multiple vulnerabilities: Seeing the whole child

The supplement has been produced by SecEd with kind support from Academy 21, an online alternative education provision.