What is suspension?
Most disciplinary procedures will not require suspension. An employee will usually be able to continue doing their normal role while the matter is investigated. However, in instances of serious misconduct, an employer may wish to suspend the employee under investigation on full pay.
How long should suspension be for?
Any period of suspension should be as short as possible, the decision to suspend should be kept under review and it should be made clear that suspension is not considered a disciplinary action. An employee needs to be informed of the fact that they have been placed on suspension as soon as possible. Any conversation to this effect should be followed up in writing.
Alternatives to suspension
An employer should consider alternatives. In most situations, a temporary adjustment to the employee’s working arrangements can remove the need to suspend, such as:
- being moved to another area of the workplace
- working from home
- changing their working hours
- being placed on restricted duties
- working under supervision
- being transferred to a different role.
Keeping in contact
It is important to provide employees with the contact details of someone at the workplace so they may discuss any concerns they have regarding the suspension. Regular contact should be maintained between the employee and their point of contact during the suspension and the employee should receive regular updates.
For further advice, please contact Hannah Belton on 01267 493130 or hbelton@morganlaroche.com. There is also a free suspension checklist available at: https://www.morganlaroche.com/blog/details.php?post=665