
Male practitioners make their mark

Employing three male practitioners, including two in senior positions, has had a positive impact on practice at Choochoos Day Nursery in Kent, according to owner Karla Tabony.

Choochoos has two nurseries, in Canterbury and Whitstable, and the men are employed at the latter which is graded outstanding. Ms Tabony is a member of the leading early years team for the county council and has achieved her EYPS.

She reports that she has seen more men coming forward to apply for jobs recently and has found the skills and commitment from the three she has employed to be impressive.

‘We have been lucky to see more males coming forward in this area and it seems to reflect the continuing professionalization of the local workforce,’ she says.

‘Two of my male recruits started as practitioners and one as a team leader, but one has been promoted in the last year so we now have two of them occupying senior roles. All are at Level 3 or above, and one, John Huffman, is currently studying for a masters in early years.’

Ms Tabony felt that the men might face obstacles in caring for babies and twos but this has not proved to be the case, and she is delighted by the way they use the nursery environment.

‘I’ve noticed that the way they play with the children has brought a whole new dimension of practice to the setting,’ she says. ‘They are always willing to go outside and always want to be in the thick of it. It really is a different way of playing.’

Ms Tabony is also pleased that the level of interaction with fathers has improved. ‘Our males really connect with them and the dads now stay longer in the nursery. It has in the past been a bit of a battle to involve them and make them feel comfortable in what was an all-female environment, so it’s great to see this change.’

The rest of the staff have responded well to having male colleagues. ‘When we promoted Michael Mabbett and John Huffman, it was with the backing of the rest of the team. I think everyone likes the fact that they bring a different perspective, and they certainly recognise the fact that the men themselves appreciate the opportunity to work in an outstanding setting and gain valuable experience. We hope that they will stay for some time and develop their careers with our nursery.’         

Michael Mabett is a team leader and qualified to Level 3 (below)