For big chains: If you are looking to make an offer to purchase another nursery group make sure that your initial offer sets out the key assumptions on which it is based. This will help avoid confusion and delays. Remember - if you are buying the shares in a company make sure you explain to the seller how you have come to your valuation i.e. have you applied a multiple to the company’s average profits OR have you just valued the assets?
For small providers: Make sure your key staff have robust and enforceable restrictive covenants in their employment contracts. In a buoyant market, which is crying out for talented childcare professionals, make sure your best people are incentivised to stay but also restricted from damaging your business if they do leave for pastures new.
All settings: Make sure each property you are operating from has the correct planning permissions. It is not uncommon for planning restrictions to limit the number of children you may care for at the premises. Being in compliance with any floor space ratios imposed by Ofsted does not automatically mean you are in compliance with planning or other property restrictions.