All providers: Believe it or not, the new General Data Protection Regulation legislation is one of Google’s most searched-for topics. The importance of protecting children is mentioned several times in the GDPR. You need to get up to speed with the new requirements for the lawful processing of children’s data. Remember that consent must be given or authorised by a person with parental responsibility for the child.
Avoid: Being caught out by terms and conditions. If you are lucky enough to receive a grant from the local authority (eg, in connection with improvements to help your delivery of the new 30 hours regime), make sure that you read, re-read and understand the grant agreement terms. They often have specific conditions which, if not complied with, will result in the grant being clawed back by the local authority.
Source: Data derived from Experian Corpfin reportable transactions in the children’s daycare sector for June 2016 to June 2017. Holds detailed information on deals over £500,000 (or the currency equivalent). Created using information from sources including direct reporting and the press