What is a T-Level?
The Education and Childcare T-Level is one of the first three T-Levels coming in from September this year. The two-year college-based vocational programme of study at Level 3 is equivalent to three A-Levels.
Following a bid to tender in September, CACHE, part of NCFE, has been chosen by the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE) and the Department for Education (DfE) to develop the technical qualification within the T-Level, which will be published this spring.
How will T-Levels prepare students to work in childcare?
The Education and Childcare T-Level will provide the knowledge, skills and behaviours needed to progress into skilled employment, higher-level training or further study in the education and childcare sector.
There will be three specialisms within the new qualification: education and childcare, assisting teaching, and supporting and mentoring students in further and higher education. All consist of both classroom-based and practical learning experience.
Will this T-Level ensure students count in ratios?
The T-Level Early Years Education and Childcare pathway will meet the Early Years Educator (EYE) criteria. A DfE spokesman said, 'We have worked with IFATE to ensure that the new early years T level qualification meets the Early Years Educator requirements for those wishing to work in a Level 3 job role'.
It will be listed as full and relevant on its list of suitable qualifications. This is of critical importance for the sector. It means students will be counted in ratio within early years settings.
How does the T-Level compare with current Level 3 qualifications?
There are similarities with the existing Level 3 EYE qualification. The core content is arranged under 12 themes, which cover both education and childcare topics. Synoptic external assessment (testing of knowledge gained over several modules) is planned for the core part of the programme, and includes an examination and employer-set project (this is in reality a project set and marked by CACHE in conjunction with employers).
Students are able to take one of the three ‘occupational’ specialisms, e.g. Education and Childcare, which has five performance outcomes. The assessment will be an opportunity for students to converge theory and practice through assignments, to demonstrate both their practical skills and theoretical understanding.
Students who do not have GCSE maths or English at grade 4 or above or a functional skill in both subjects at Level 2 will be able to work towards these qualifications during their programme of study.
How will it be assessed?
The draft structure outlined overleaf shows how it will be assessed. It has been developed to maximise knowledge, understanding and skills through both the core and occupational specialism.
Assessing the core content
Papers A and B will be completed towards the end of the core component and will test students’ knowledge and understanding across the 12 themes.
The employer-set project will be set in the final term of the core year and will be taken under controlled supervision. Students will have a choice of scenarios to choose from. Assessment will require students to show an application of knowledge and understanding gained from across the core.
Assessing the occupational specialism
Towards the end of the occupational specialism the students will be required to complete three assignments:
1. Themed assignment: planning to meet the individual needs of children.
2. Practical assessment of competences required for the EYE criteria.
3. Themed assignment: observation cycles.
Who will be delivering the Education and Childcare T-Level?
This T-Level will be delivered to the first cohort of students from September 2020 by 36 college and sixth-form providers – see Further information. T-Levels will then be made available as part of a phased roll-out, with the second wave of eligible providers beginning delivery of T-Levels from September 2021. It is expected that T-Levels will be fully rolled out to all providers by September 2023.
How will the industry placement work?
The Education and Childcare T-Level will include an industry placement with an employer focused on developing the practical and technical skills required for employment in the sector.
This placement will last a minimum of 315 hours (approximately 45 days), but those students following the Early Years Education and Care occupational specialism will need to complete a greater number of hours. This is expected to be similar to those under existing EYE qualifications (which can be up to 750), in relevant work experience, in order to sufficiently meet the EYE criteria.
Employers can offer industry placements as a block, day release or a mix of these, and can discuss sharing part of the placement with another employer if necessary, and as appropriate, in order to meet the requirements.
How can childcare employers get involved in T-Level design?
NCFE is currently working with employers across the childcare sector to ensure the validity of the assessments and content of T-Level technical qualifications.
If you are interested in finding out how your organisation could offer industry placements to T-Level students, visit https://gov.uk/government/publications/employer-engagement-and-support-for-t-level-industry-placements.
We appreciate that with such ambitious plans for technical education, it is important to provide information that offers a clear insight. We are committed to driving advancements in childcare and education that support providers in meeting the demand for a highly skilled and qualified workforce.
How T-Level students will be assessed Assessment Structure (Draft) Core content Occupational specialism Exam (Paper A and Paper B) Themed assignment: planning to meet the individual needs of children Employer-Set Project (Controlled supervision, scenario-based) Practical assessment of competences required for the EYE criteria Themed assignment: observation cycles Themed assignment: observation cycles
Further information