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Parent partnership plays a central role at Elmscot Day Nursery Chester, where staff firmly believe that getting parents involved in children’s learning is vital to ensure an effective and enjoyable early educational programme.
The setting’s holistic approach to learning emphasises the belief that everyone involved in a child’s life has an equal part to play in ensuring a rich learning experience. Staff recognise the importance of creating a bond with the parents as part of the key person approach. Once this professional working relationship has been formed, practitioners are in a position to provide parents with advice and help when needed.
When an Elmscot parent was expecting a new baby, she sought advice from her child’s key person about ways of discussing the change. Staff supported the family by providing opportunities for the child to explore the idea through activities of interest, such as learning how to help wash the baby’s hands and face and hold a bottle. They also shared stories about changing family dynamics to open up conversation.
Parents’ unique skills and knowledge are promoted in the nursery and they are regularly asked to share them with thestaff team and children.
They are often invited in for training sessions alongside staff, and attend Forest School sessions and designated Forest School training for parents. This helps ensure a high quality of home learning opportunities for children.
When a member of the staff team attended ‘Now We are Two’ training, they collected valuable resources around self-regulation and the importance of sleep, which they then shared with parents via the setting’s online app.
Support for home learning is also given via weekly updates on Tapestry in a ‘try this at home’ section. Staff share a simple activity based on what they have done in the setting, using everyday items that can be found within the home, such as recipes for parents to make playdough, or a ‘let’s go hunting’ project, encouraging children and parents to get outside to collect natural materials.
Staff share updates and photos of the children’s day in nursery, and encourage parents to do the same.
During the pandemic, staff continued to provide a high level of parental engagement and support.
Parent phone calls provided one-to-one time to discuss children’s development and offer advice and support. Tapestry helped staff share changes to the nursery environment and staff team, and supported room moves for children through photographs, a virtual tour of rooms and a welcome video from practitioners.
Staff also uploaded videos sharing stories for families to watch at home, while children and parents did the same in response, which were later watched all together when back in nursery.
This included families with English as an additional language, who were encouraged to record stories in their home language so this could be shared and celebrated during group time back in the setting.
Since restrictions have lifted, staff have continued to work closely with parents and welcome them back into the setting, holding ‘meet the team’ events for parents to interact face-to-face with staff and to allow practitioners to share the setting’s vision, and ideas and advice.
Banana Moon Day Nursery Bromley
Traquinas Childcare, Thetford
Open to settings, services or projects that support parents, enhance their understanding of their children’s learning and development, or improve children’s outcomes through involvement and co-operation with families.