In 2024 we not only have our CPD seminars and a free Keynote session for you all, but also far more than ever before to explore.
First, the free Keynote is designed to launch the show and welcome you all to the exciting, CPD-packed two days. The Keynote will be bigger than it has ever been; with space for hundreds of delegates all in one room, together with some of the most respected and experienced individuals from across the sector.
A lively panel discussion will feature, where you will have the opportunity to discuss and debate some of the pressing current issues in early years, and pose questions to panel members and share your own views.
After the Keynote officially launches the show, you can delve into the seminars you have selected to attend (see box).
We also have the ECSDN and Sefdey conference running in tandem, with sessions designed specifically for students in practice. The key theme of these sessions is Graduate Perspectives: Examining Creative Pedagogies in Early Childhood. Everyone is welcome to attend, and they can be booked on the Nursery World Show website as part of the wider seminar programme.
And of course what really brings the show together is our buzzing exhibition floor set up by our fantastic exhibitors, some of whom will provide exciting resources to explore and play with. They will also be able to listen to any queries and issues which you might be facing. Whether your questions are around training, recruitment, software or anything else, they are sure to provide you with innovative solutions and insights.
As well as providing the Keynote session for free this year, we have plenty of other free content for you on the exhibition floor as usual, and for 2024 we have switched things up a bit! We have a fantastic new feature…
Let’s Talk Early Years
Here you get to be part of discussions about:
- Tuff trays, food play, British Values, sustainability – led by Adam Marycz and Angelica Celinska.
- Inclusion within the curriculum – led by Phil Minns HMI, Ofsted.
We also have Famly sharing this space to conduct its famous fireside chats with some of our speakers, which you can watch live.
There’s no need to sign up for the Let’s Talk Early Years zone, but be sure to turn up early.
As always we have our longstanding Live Theatre feature which will provide insights from a range of our sponsors on not only the solutions that they have in store for you, but also what they have seen in practice, learnt from research and the projects they are working on which will impact the sector.
apetito serve samples of their food to visitors
There is something for everyone at the show with all of the various features. Additionally, we have increased the number of seminars, and with this I have also worked on increasing the diversity of the topics. From schemas to safeguarding, there is a lot of different CPD to choose from. Whether you are a manager, a teacher, a room leader or newly qualified, take your pick from the rich programme and delve into the learning pathway that fits you.
When planning the programme, the focus was specifically around ensuring there is a fair share of seminars to attend for both those in leadership roles, as well as practice roles. This is not only reflected in the topics but also in the speakers themselves.
For 2024 you can expect practice-based, interactive, hands-on sessions for those who love active learning not just for the children but also for themselves! And for those who prefer a more traditional approach, the seminars which delve into research and policy will be more your pick! And this brings us onto the variety of the speakers themselves…
I believe that when attending an early years show or conference it’s important to hear from a range of speakers who can provide new knowledge, research and insights, along with those who will bring different perspectives and experiences to something already familiar to you.
With this in mind, I have truly tried to reflect the diversity of the sector within the programme, ensuring that those voices from practice play a central role in the 2024 show. You will therefore be able to attend seminars not only from academics, researchers and specialists, but also practitioners, leaders and managers themselves.
We can all learn from each other, and we are certainly a lot more inspired and motivated when we hear from a practitioner who we can relate to, or see a setting which resembles our own.
To really showcase the diversity of the 2024 speakers, as well as the variety of topics, I have picked out a couple of seminars that really stand out this year, so you can get a better idea of what to expect…
Promoting and supporting the health of babies and young children in early childhood education and care settings – A seminar by Dr Jackie Musgrave, associate head of school, education, childhood youth and sport, Early Childhood, The Open University.
This is a seminar I would like to shed light on as it is focusing on an area of such significance, yet something we don’t hear and read enough around. The health of young children reallyis the foundation of everything; all of our thoughtfully set-up environments and our implementation of sustained shared thinking will be of no use if children are not able to truly access what we give them due to their health. From poor mental health to childhood obesity, there is a lot to unpick here, and Dr Jackie Musgrave really makes this all easy to digest by ensuring the links to practice are clear, with serious implications to consider, and suggestions of how we can ensure we really do promote the health of young children every single day.
How can we make working in the Early Years sustainable? – A seminar by Eva Kyriacou, early reading consultant trainer.
This seminar looks at sustainable working in early years from an educator’s mental health perspective. Although this is not a new topic and has been explored before, the way in which it is presented here is certainly different. Rather than coming from the stance of ‘how can management support their staff’s wellbeing’ – which is what we most commonly read and hear – this is a real, honest presentation about the current challenges faced by practitioners, whatever their role. Presented by a former teacher and senior leader, Eva Kyriacou shares her personal experiences in a raw and reflective way, prompting delegates to reflect on not only their own practice but more personally on themselves.
I look forward to welcoming you in February!
- So, have you booked your ticket yet? If not then be sure to do it soon so you don’t miss out on your top pick of seminars!
- For the full programme of seminars and exhibitors, go to nurseryworldshow.com