We are very proud of our 'snack stop', the part of our daily routine when children can take time to sit together and enjoy a simple nutritious snack when they are ready to eat. In the past, we all had snacks together, usually after a noisy and chaotic tidy-up time. A rolling 'snack stop' is far more enjoyable, for both adults and children, and offers a wealth of learning opportunities.
We have a staff rota for 'snack stop', so we all have a chance to prepare and serve, and children soon learn which staff member does which day as we display our photographs as a visual reminder.
We never miss out on any opportunity to develop the children's literacy, so we write up the menu for the day on our whiteboard, display a selection of cookery books on the shelf next to the cups and plates and provide name cards for the children to 'post' once they've finished their snack.
Independence is another skill that we are keen to nurture. We provide small jugs for the children to use and the children choose what they want to eat. We encourage them to tidy up afterwards, although this may take a while to happen!
Providing new children with a snack that they recognise and enjoy from home has proved helpful during the settling-in period, so we always ask parents to tell us a few of their children's favourites.
We also need to take note of any allergies that the children may have. While these seem to be on the increase, so, too - luckily - are the selections of alternative foods. Offering similar foods means none of the children is made to feel left out.
In this current economic crisis, we know many pre-schools are struggling to maintain high standards in the snacks that they provide. We too have our struggles financially, but helping us keep up our standards while sticking to a tight budget is our deputy manager, Jemma, who sees shopping on a budget as 'an enjoyable challenge'!
She shops at our local supermarkets and bases that week's menu around what is on special offer or seasonal. The children like to be involved in the planning and they can often be seen with a notepad and pen sitting next to Jemma, making a shopping list.
We feel that food is all part of sensory learning and can enhance memories and good feelings. If it's a beautiful sunny day, we will set up 'snack stop' in a shady area outdoors. On a cold winter's day, we have been known to be found under a crocheted blanket den, drinking hot chocolate and eating toasted crumpets - delicious!