Now in its third year, Fathers' Story Week is organised by the Fatherhood Institute and will this year start on 10 June and run to Father's Day on Sunday 16 June.
This year, for the first time, everyone taking part in Fathers' Story Week is also invited to sign up for Fathers Reading Every Day (FRED) - a four-week supported reading programme that can help dads and children develop a reading habit to last a lifetime.
Adrienne Burgess, joint chief executive of the Fatherhood Institute, says, 'We know from the research evidence that when fathers are involved in their children's learning they have a significant impact on their well-being and learning outcomes. Fathers' Story Week is a great opportunity to start reaching out and getting more dads through the door, and FRED is the perfect way to build on that and help dads and children get into the reading habit.'
Online resources are available, including activity plans, template letters and a research summary for professionals, and top tips for fathers on how to read with their child, how to get their child into reading, and what to do with reluctant readers.
For free resources and more information on FRED, visit: www.fathersstoryweek.org.