Sharing Rhymes

A bouncing we will go,
A bouncing we will go,
Hi-ho the derry-o,
A bouncing we will go.
A rocking we will go…
A tickling we will go…
Why baby rhymes matter
Baby rhymes are essential for early development because they:
- help to strengthen the bonds between adults and babies
- develop early communication skills
- help babies tune into the sounds of the language used
- encourage physical development
Tips for sharing baby rhymes
- Before sharing the rhyme, check how tired the baby might be feeling and match the rhyme to the baby’s level of tiredness
- Cuddle, smile and make eye contact while sharing rhymes
- Don’t rush rhymes. Say the words slowly.
- After introducing a new rhyme, be sure to repeat it frequently
- Share rhymes and any actions with parents and carers
Suggestions for sharing this rhyme
- Before sharing the rhyme, make sure that the baby is alert and happy
- Bring the baby onto your lap
- Gently bounce the baby in time to the words
- Repeat the rhyme, changing the actions to match those in the rhyme
- This rhyme can be sung to the tune of ‘The Farmer’s in his den’.
- The rhyme refers to ‘derry’. This is a meaningless word used in various popular songs and rhymes.
- Some versions of this rhyme include other actions such as ‘The arms go up and down’ and ‘The legs go back and forth’.
Ideas for extending the learning
- Repeat this rhyme a couple of times a day
- Emphasise the action words each time
- Slow down the rhyme to see if the baby can anticipate the movements
- Introduce or revisit other action rhymes, such as ‘Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall’ and ‘Round and round the garden’
- Share baby books that incorporate fun actions. Well-known favourites include All Fall Down, Clap Hands and Tickle, Tickleby Helen Oxenbury