Making connections with existing providers and the local authority is key to schools offering the places. This was the case in Liverpool, when the council invited Everton Nursery School and Family Centre to pilot two-year-old places in the school. The Family Centre is a phase one children's centre under the governance of Everton Nursery School governing body and has an integrated nursery school and daycare provision on-site, offering care and education for up to 214 children from birth to five years.
The centre's staff jumped at the council's invitation, as they identified many children entering their Early Years Foundation Stage with levels of development well below those expected for their age nationally. They felt more could be done to address this earlier.
The school had two unused spaces at different sides of the site. With capital investment from the local authority, the refurbishment started in December 2012 and both rooms were opened by September 2013.
The nursery school now offers 100 families a place each day, with 20 flexible places in full daycare provision, 20 sessional places from 8.45am to 11.45am, 20 places slightly later from 9am to 12pm, and 40 afternoon sessions from 12.45pm to 3.45pm.
Before starting the refurbishment, the staff team thought carefully about the specific needs of two-year-olds. Both room spaces offer twos lots of opportunity to move around and explore. The provision benefits from higher than required ratios to support children's development. Each room has a team leader/room leader and there is a qualified teacher who oversees the learning and development. Staff have had training on the specific needs of two-year-olds.
Their advice to any provider thinking about setting up twos provision is: think carefully before you start. Expanding twos places should not just be about additional income; you need to ask yourself why you are doing it. And start small.
James Hempsall is director of Hempsall's (@hempsall, www.hempsalls.com).