The harsh winter weather is a reminder for all of us in the caring professions to focus on what we do best - care for young children. We have had so much doom and gloom in the news about cutbacks and redundancies, changing services and removing services altogether, that it is a wonder we keep going at all. But what does keep us going is the children in our care.
I was concerned last week when visiting one of our LEYF settings to see a little one looking rather tired and listless. Staff were giving lots of words of encouragement and trying to involve and engage this toddler. When I mentioned to staff that the little one looked tired and perhaps he was unwell, I was told that he had been like this for a few weeks, indeed a couple of months if they really thought about it. I discussed possible reasons for his listlessness with his keyworker and the manager, who informed me that he had not had a break from nursery for about six months. They thought he probably needed a few 'duvet days' at home.
This little boy led me to think about the fantastic work that happens in nurseries and the need to work closely with parents concerning their child. It would appear that we had such a strong partnership with the parents of this child that they felt completely comfortable and confident about him being in nursery for all that time without a break. But sometimes we need to speak up and remind the parents that young children do not always have the stamina to keep going for long periods of time. A break to 'recharge batteries' is just as important for children as it is for adults.
I suggested to staff that perhaps it was time to speak to the boy's parents and see if they could have a few days at home with their son. I am quite sure they would enjoy the break, too.
And it's a reminder to all of us, don't forget to take a break. Everyone needs to recharge batteries - children and adults.