There are many routes into and career opportunities surrounding early childhood. It is not always straightforward, which is why Early Years Educator and Nursery World have partnered with the Early Childhood Studies Degrees Network to bring you the Guide to Early Childhood Degrees.

The guide has been put together by members of the ECSDN to give a detailed overview of the opportunities which are available around the study of early childhood.
This publication features comprehensive guidance around:
- Choosing the right degree
- The various entry qualification routes available
- Career opportunities
- A 'Road to Success' poster outlining a variety of different study routes and career paths
- Eight student Q+A's
- Three in depth student graduate case studies
- An outline of the Early Childhood Graduate Practitioner Competencies (GPC's)
You will also have the opportunity to get to know the ECSDN, with an introduction from the CO-chair, and insight into the history and values of the ECSDN.
Read the whole Guide to Early Childhood Degrees for FREE here:
Take a look at and download for FREE the 'Road to Success' poster here: POSTER PDF
First published on Early Years Educator 19/10/2021