The business health check tool, which has been developed as part of the charity’s work with the Government, will help childcare providers to assess how their business is performing. The free resource aims to help improve business skills and promote the long term sustainability of business strategies within the early years and childcare sector.
Areas addressed as part of the health check include: sustainability; financial planning and management; marketing and customer service; management of operations; quality and staff management; and governance and legal structures.
Liz Green, early years advisor at 4Children, said, ‘While many of the people who work in childcare are highly tuned into the families they work with, they are often less adept at drawing up competitive business strategies.
‘In the past, struggling childcare businesses could turn to their local authorities for financial support, but in today’s economic climate providers must cover their costs if they are to thrive into the future.
‘I hope that providers take advantage of this resource to enhance their future viability and ensure that families continue to have the childcare they deserve available on their doorstep.’
The launch comes at a time when many childcare providers are reporting concerns over the future sustainability of their services, 4Children said. The Childcare Provider Finances Survey 2012, published by the Department for Education earlier this year, found that one in ten childcare providers in England had not invested enough in their provision over the past two years and that they would have to invest even less in the next two years.
- Childcare providers can access and use the business health check tool free of charge at http://www.4children.org.uk/BusinessSkills