items such as Mummy's pot plants, stones and dirty leaves. He makes a repeated dash for such objects even when regularly moved away from them.
When called, Harry crawls very fast towards whoever called him, always with a smile on his face.
Harry needed to have his blood pressure monitored this month, but became very distressed when the cuff was inflated. The nurse has given his parents a spare cuff to play with at home to help him get used to the sensation.
Big sister Jasmine is enjoying 'blowing him up'!
Harry is eating well and enjoys family meals, which are mostly organic and freshly made. Unfortunately he still likes to throw food around. He loves fruit and seems to think that tennis balls are apples, immediately putting them to his mouth when he finds them in the grass.
Harry is still very scared of Granny's cat and needs reassurance whenever it is near him. The cat is very friendly and is used to getting lots of attention from Jasmine.
Harry enjoys being tickled, and now says 'tickle tickle', wiggling his finger up and down and laughing. Playing tickles with his family is currently a favourite game.
Questions 1 Harry loves books. What sort would you provide for him?
2 How can Harry's family help him overcome his fear of Granny's cat?
Answers to part 13 questions (21 April) 1 Harry has two sleeps during the day, totalling at least three hours. This is quite usual for an infant of his age.
2 Harry weighed 3.002kg (6lb 10oz) at birth. At one year he weighed 8.625kg (18lb 10oz). The average weight gain is for an infant to triple their birth weight by their first birthday. Harry has always been a lightweight baby and didn't quite make this, placing him just under the 9th centile on his growth chart.
3 Taking into consideration Harry's dysfunctional kidney and the possible blood pressure problems that could arise, Harry's parents make sure that he has a diet with a low salt content, and avoid processed foods.
By Sandy Green, an early years consultant and freelance trainer. She is also Harry's grandmother.