The LK Nursery in Kerewan will be renamed Rosy Apple Noel-Baker school,or RANB for short, in honour of Rosy Apple childcare and the Noel BakerCommunity School in Derby, who also support the Gambian nursery.
Head of the Kerewan nursery school Yuspha Tamba wrote to Rosy AppleChildcare, 'I am pleased to let you know that we wish to acknowledge allyour hard work by giving our school the new name of RANB. We arecelebrating our fifth anniversary this month, so this is a goodopportunity to show our appreciation for all the very useful materials,learning and teaching aids you have so kindly provided.'
Michele Fitzpatrick, chair of Rosy Apple's Gambia committee, said, 'I amvery honoured that Mr Tamba and his school have bestowed such an honouron us.'
Rosy Apple's managing director Sharon Alexander asked Preston signmanufacturer Sign-A-Rama to design a new sign for the RANB nurseryschool. She thanked local businesses and said, 'I am so grateful to ourparents, children and staff for all their sterling efforts in helpingprovide much-needed materials for RANB Nursery School.'
Rosy Apple, which runs a pre-school centre and three nurseries inPreston and a nursery in Blackburn, set up the Achieving a Headstart inGambia campaign two years ago (News, 7 February 2008). It has raised2,755 so far and staff are now planning to visit the Gambianursery school.