The resources are being made available free both to non-members and members and have been written in response to overwhelming demand for clear, ‘provider-friendly’ advice and support.
The Alliance is currently awaiting a reply to the revised Freedom of Information request made last month.
The FOI response was due by 16 October but has been subject to ‘unavoidable delays’ and the Alliance has been told that a response should be made ‘hopefully next week’.
Commenting on the delay, chief executive Neil Leitch said, ‘For two months now, we’ve been trying to gain a better understanding of how the quality of the inspection process is measured and clarity about the complaints procedure. We are simply trying to establish the evidence base and trend of what is occurring with inspections and that must be in the interests of the entire early years sector.
'Many Alliance members have registered their frustration about the inconsistent quality of their inspections and feel unsupported in registering formal concerns or complaints afterwards with Ofsted – particularly those who underwent complaint-initiated inspections. News of a further delay to our FoI request will do nothing to diminish the existing view of many Alliance members that Ofsted does not wish to engage collaboratively in a meaningful discussion with providers on improving the overall quality of childcare in this country.’
A guide to the Ofsted complaints process for early years providers and Your Ofsted inspection: a practical guide for early years providers will be sent free to Alliance members and non-members can request a free copy by contacting the Information Service team on 020 7697 2595 or by sending an email to info@pre-school.org.uk.