The All-Party Parliamentary Group for Nursery Schools has published a manifesto setting out what it wants the Government to do to support nursery schools.
The group says that while it has achieved ‘significant Government recognition’, there is still a need for nursery schools to make their case.
Three nursery schools have closed in the six months of the campaign and others are in ‘clear and present jeopardy’.
Beatrice Merrick, chief executive of Early Education, told Nursery World, ‘The manifesto has been issued by the APPG on maintained nursery schools and nursery classes to summarise the discussions to date.
‘We are delighted that as a result of the proceedings of the APPG, the recent early years funding consultation has recognised the vital role played by maintained nursery schools and that the exceptional quality and services they provide come with an additional cost. This is a key moment for establishing a lasting solution as part of a fair funding formula for all.’
The campaigners say it is not clear how the promised extra £55m for nursery schools for two years will work and are seeking more advice from the DfE.
In a letter they say, ‘We urge you to convene urgent meetings with your local authority finance officers to identify whether the proposed additional funding for nursery schools will be sufficient.’
- The next meeting of the APPG for Nursery Schools is on 11 October. Email plawrie@northamptonshire.gov.uk to book a place.