
Bespoke outdoor programmes can help to ease transition issues

Outdoor learning
Outdoor activities and pursuits can help pupils who have recently moved from primary school to settle into secondary, according to new research.

Outdoor activities and pursuits can help pupils who have recently moved from primary school to settle into secondary, according to new research.

The study, by academic at Leeds Metropolitan University, looked at the impact of specially designed experiences and adventures, such as hill-walking, “scrambling”, open-boat canoeing and abseiling.

They found that the youngsters who participated in the programme felt increased levels of self-determination, confidence and independence, compared with a control group of pupils who took part in an “off-the-shelf” outdoor scheme.

Most children are thought to feel some affects of moving from primary school to secondary, with aspects such as the size of their new school, timetables, different teachers for each subject, new classmates, and carrying books and other equipment being among the hardest to adjust to.

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