Major changes are under way for both the inspection process and the EYFS, with Ofsted’s new framework launching in September and the revised curriculum due to go to consultation by the end of 2019.
Both are of huge significance for the early years sector, with much to take on board and respond to.
Not only that – there is a new Prime Minister in charge and the current Brexit deadline will have passed by the time of our Summit. What are the implications for policy, funding and business success?
This essential one-day conference brings together an expert line-up of speakers from Government, nursery businesses and consultancies to take stock, advise and prompt debate among early years sector leaders.
The conference includes:
- An in-depth look at the progress of the Education Inspection Framework, with Ofsted’s Gill Jones giving an update from the inspectorate and consultant Pennie Akehurst drawing lessons from the first set of inspections.
- The children and families minister on policy priorities for the early years sector (invited)
- Jan Dubiel, who sits on the Department for Education EYFS advisory panel, on the implications of the revised EYFS and early learning goals
- Overview of the economy, Brexit and the labour market
- Our expert panel takes you through the latest on the new T-levels and early years apprenticeships at Levels 2-6
- Top tips to make your setting eco-friendly
- The latest research findings that could influence both national policy and the way you run your business
- Plus, join our Big Debate in association with Christie & Co to discuss findings from their major report ‘Early Childhood Education & Care – Workforce Trends and Associated Factors’. This will be followed by a panel discussion with industry experts and plenty of audience participation.
The Summit is on 13 November at America Square Conference Centre, London.
See the full programme and reserve your place at http://www.nurserybusiness-summit.com/home