
Call for nurseries to get involved in this year's Children in Need

Nurseries across the UK will be going spotty for BBC Children in Need’s Big Spotacular.

With appeal week fast approaching, 14 - 18November, the charity has released special fundraising packs and learning resources designed specifically for use in schools and nurseries.

Cover yourself in spots, sell spotty cakes, take part in spotty themed challenges and games; in short, go dotty for Children in Need.

Spotacular will build on Children in Need’s 2015 schools campaign, which saw more than 15,500 schools and millions of children take part.

Last year’s campaign was extremely successful in fundraising, but also proved to have a positive impact on developing children’s teamwork, communication and confidence.

These activities are an opportunity for under-fives to learn about the charity's cause while raising money for disadvantaged children in the UK.

Nurseries and schools can register for a free fundraising kit, which contains loads of fun goodies, including posters, stickers, recipes and activity ideas, as well as official information on handling sponsorships and how to pay in your money.

The charity has also released online teaching resources to help explain to your class why they’re fundraising in the first place and the difference that their money makes.

The early years resources contain a PSHE lesson plan and teaching material for pupils as young as three.

Research conducted by Future Thinking, who surveyed schools that used the educational resources last year, found that teachers felt the programme had a positive impact on children’s skills development.

Surveyed teachers also saw a positive impact on pupils’ social attitudes and knowledge, including awareness of the challenges faced by other children, taking responsibility for their actions, and appreciation of their community.

Stuart Beaver, director, partnership & community programmes, Lloyds Banking Group said, ‘Handing the fundraising planning over to the children was a great success last year, and I cannot wait to see what spotty ideas they come up with across the country to raise money this year.’

Jonathan Rigby, director of Marketing and Fundraising, BBC Children in Need, added, ‘This year’s “Big Spotacular” schools campaign is set to be sensational and we can’t wait to see the UK’s schools sign up to get involved.

'Everyone’s efforts will make a huge difference to young lives across the UK so we hope to see lots of schools going spotty to help raise money.’

Children in Need has been working since 1927, towards the vision that every child in the UK has a childhood which is safe, happy and secure, and allows them the chance to reach their potential.

They provide grants to UK projects which focus on children and young people who are disadvantaged. They support small and large organisations which empower children and extend their life choices.