
Call for rethink on draft EYFS review

A survey of 3,000 practitioners from across the early years sector has found ‘extensive support’ for keeping the EYFS in its current form.
Do the planned reforms to the EYFS add up?
Do the planned reforms to the EYFS add up?

The research was carried out by the coalition of early years sector organisations to inform Government about practitioners' views.

The response, shared with Nursery World, reveals that practitioners did not see changes to the EYFS as likely to improve children’s outcomes or reduce workload.

They say outcomes and workload would require increased resources to support their work with children and families and engage in the inter-professional work needed to support children’s needs.

Early Education said the draft Educational Programmes are not well-designed to support children’s learning and development throughout the EYFS.

It added that the research evidence summarised in Getting it right in the Early Years Foundation Stage: a review of the evidence (carried out by the Centre for Research in Early Childhood, published by Early Education, on behalf of a coalition of early years organisations) does not support extensive changes to the EYFS, and those it does support are not always reflected in the proposed changes, e.g. increased emphasis on citizenship and children’s rights.

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