Coram Family and Childcare’s 23rd annual Childcare Survey reveals that just a third (34 per cent) of English councils have sufficient places for parents working full-time, a drop of 14 percentage points on 2023. Just over one in three (35 per cent) report enough childcare for under-twos, down by 14 percentage points on last year.
The findings show that it is the most disadvantaged children who are missing out, with just 6 per cent of councils reporting sufficient childcare for children with disabilities, a decrease of 12 percentage points on 2023.
There has also been a drop in the availability of childcare for parents working atypical hours and families in rural areas.
Expanded offer
The report also reveals councils’ concerns about the delivery of the expanded offer and its further impact on the availability of places.
While 63 per cent of councils in England are ‘confident’ or ‘very confident’ that there will be enough places to meet demand for the imminent expansion (15 free hours for two-year-olds), just 28 per cent say the same about the second phase of the expansion from September 2024 (15 free hours from nine months). This falls to just 12 per cent for the September 2025 expansion (30 hours from nine months).
The majority (90 per cent) of councils identified the local childcare workforce as a ‘barrier’ to successful delivery of the 30 hours next year.
At the same time, the findings highlight rising costs for parents with a part-time nursery place (25 hours a week) for a child under two now costing an average of £158 per week. That is a 7 per cent increase on 2023.
The most expensive area in the country is inner London where parents pay an average of £218 per week for one part-time nursery place.
'Our findings show the scale of the challenge and the very real risks around this policy not living up to parents' expectations'.
Ellen Broome, managing Director of Coram Family and Childcare, said, ‘The new childcare support that is being rolled out from April has the potential to be a game-changer for parents up and down the country.
‘Our findings – with higher costs and dramatic drops in availability of childcare places – are concerning at this crucial time, showing the scale of challenge and the very real risks around this policy not living up to parents’ expectations. Unless this policy is properly funded and supported, it could have the opposite effect, with families unable to access or afford the childcare they need and the most disadvantaged children set to miss out.
'The recent additional funding from the Chancellor was welcome but won’t address the long term systemic challenges of high childcare costs for parents, the workforce recruitment and retention crisis or the lack of availability of places for children with SEND.
‘Over the next few months, we need the Government to work closely with local authorities and childcare providers to make sure they are supported to deliver for families.’
The Early Years Alliance argued that with a fortnight to go until the roll-out of the extended offer, the report raises serious questions about whether the expansion is even close to being workable in practice over the long-term.
Chief executive Neil Leitch added, ‘To say time is running out is an understatement. It is absolutely critical that Government wakes up to the reality of the situation and takes the urgent action needed to support early years providers – namely, adequate funding and a clear workforce strategy that focuses on retention as well as recruitment. Ministers chose to make a big promise to families; it's up to them to ensure the sector is able to deliver on it.’
The National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA) said that the ‘Budget was an opportunity to provide immediate support to the sector, but the additional funding will not arrive until 2025.'
'These new funded hour schemes will be the match in the powder barrel’
Joeli Brearley, CEO of Pregnant Then Screwed, commented, ’The sector is in decline. Years of neglect by successive governments has led to a staffing crisis and a deterioration in provision. The new childcare schemes will increase demand whilst supply dwindles. Without swift investment and a workforce strategy it is likely the rollout of these new funded hour schemes will be the match in the powder barrel.’