A resolution was passed at the SCMA conference in Perth last week that requires the association to work with the Scottish Executive to make pre-registration training mandatory for all prospective childminders. The resolution recommends that existing childminders should work towards the SCMA's quality assurance scheme, the Scheme of Excellence.
SCMA training officer Elizabeth Murdoch said, 'These changes will ensure competence within the childminding profession and bring childminders in line with all other childcare workers. We want childminding to be fully recognised, and not thought of as less than equal to any other section of the early years workforce.'
The SCMA will now work with the Scottish Executive to carry out a consultation exercise with childminders on the necessary qualification changes. The Association will also talk to the Scottish Qualifications Authority about putting the Scheme of Excellence on the Scottish qualifications framework.
The rest of the SCMA conference focused on the importance of health and well-being among registered childminders, with workshops on stress management, anahata yoga, reiki drumming and reflexology.
* Meanwhile the Scottish Pre-School Play Association (SPPA) also held its annual conference and exhibition, 'Celebrating Partnership', in South Lanarkshire on 1 October.
SPPA chief executive Ian McLaughlan welcomed the Scottish Executive's integrated early years strategy and said he was delighted the Executive had placed early years and childcare at the heart of its priorities. He pledged SPPA's support to work with the Executive, local authorities and parents to develop new childcare programmes.
Over 180 delegates from childcare organisations and local authorities across Scotland discussed the latest developments impacting on Scottish pre-school groups.