So far, over 4,000 schools and early years settings have signed up to No Pens Day which celebrate the power of communication skills, as well as raising funds to help support the 1.9 million children who struggle with talking and understanding words in the UK.
Children in participating schools will take part in the biggest ever show and tell, a day of talking and listening activities where pupils bring in something to talk about in front of the class. Items can include an object from home, a photograph, an item of clothing – or something imaginary – that they want to talk about.
As well as raising funds for Speech and Language UK, No Pens Day also aims to raise awareness of the importance of communication skills.
Jane Harris, Speech and Language UK chief executive, said, ‘No Pens Day is back, and this year we’re showing and telling! Children all over the UK can enjoy a day of talking, sharing, listening, laughing and learning in a fun and exciting way for all the children involved.
‘Right now, 1.9 million children in the UK are behind with talking and understanding words and it's fantastic that schools are supporting No Pens Day by putting down their pens in the classroom and speaking up for spoken language.’
- To sign up for a ‘classroom pack’, visit No Pens Day