Portman Early Childhood Centre in Westminster achieved Ofsted outstanding in all areas in its inspection in March, despite having lost five staff to redundancy because of a £190,000 cut to their council funding.
Westminster Council announced it would be cutting the centre’s funding last year in a bid to make more than £50 million of savings (News, 18 August 2010).
Councillors, teaching staff and parents launched a petition to fight the cuts, which they said would do serious damage to disadvantaged children and their families, but their attempt was unsuccessful.
Joanna White, headteacher of Portman Early Childhood Centre, said, ‘We were very happy with the result. The day of the inspection was the first day of our reorganisation following the redundancies, so the good result is a testament to staff.’
‘We all work extremely hard to offer the best education and care in a very poor area of London.’
Ofsted inspectors commented on the ‘high quality care that is given, not only to the children, but also to their families.’
‘Parents and carers spoke to the inspectors about the way the school went to great lengths to support them when they were going through difficult times.’
It added, ‘The first rate leaders and managers ensure that children are kept completely safe and protected. In this very safe and secure environment the children thrive.’