Children are playing outside less with their friends, playing alone, and are less active than before the pandemic, according to new research from Save the Children.
To avoid a long-term development crisis, leading charities, businesses and child development experts have launched a # Summer of Play campaign to help get children of all ages playing this summer.
A poll by Save the Children found that 9 in 10 children believe that the pandemic has affected the way that they play, with over half (51 per cent) saying that they are playing outside and with friends less than before the pandemic.
A third (34 per cent) said that they play alone more than they used to and almost a quarter (23 per cent) of children revealed that they are playing less sport and being less active than they used to be.
The Summer of Play campaign, co-ordinated by Playfirst UK, Save the Children, Playing Out, Play England and others, is appealing for a major national effort to get children playing in order to bolster wellbeing and reduce the risk of any long-term impact on children’s development as a result of recent lockdowns.
More than 30 leading organisations from across the UK, including The Arsenal Foundation, the Lego Foundation and British Cycling, have joining forces to invite businesses, charities and the Government to take a #SummerOfPlay pledge and ensure all children get the opportunity to play this summer and to repair some of the mental and physical damage caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
Anita Grant, chair of Play England, said, ‘The pandemic has affected every single child and young person as well as their families and caregivers. Children have been lonely, isolated and anxious. A Summer of Play will enable children to reconnect with friends, have fun and start to rebuild health and resilience after unprecedented restrictions.
‘This campaign is for the next generation’s health, happiness and wellbeing. Free play is what children do when no one is telling them what not to do. Playing freely allows brains to think, skills to develop and creativity and imagination to flow. Now is the time to make space for play and to allow children to recover.’
Helen Dodd, professor of Child Psychology at the University of Reading said, ‘Play with friends is a central part of childhood, it is intrinsically valuable, bringing fun and joy to children’s lives. It also offers opportunities for learning about negotiation, social skills, emotions and relationships. Over the past year children’s play with their friends has been restricted and there is evidence that their mental health has deteriorated.
‘Amongst all the talk of educational catch up it is vital that we don’t forget that children have also missed out on play with their friends, physical activity and fun. In February, PlayFirstUK wrote to Government urging them to ensure children get time to play this summer. This campaign builds on that and is about community action; coming together with a wide range of diverse organisations to give children the summer of play they deserve, to help them catch up on so much of what they have missed this past year.’
Dan Paskins, director of UK impact at Save the Children, said, ‘Children across the UK and around the world have missed out on so much over the past year. Creating more opportunities for children to play is crucial for making up for some of that missed fun and helping to support their health and wellbeing as we emerge from the pandemic.
‘We also know that for people living in poverty, accessing safe places to play can be even harder. We want to focus on creating more opportunities for children from disadvantaged and minority backgrounds who have been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic.’
Pete Maginn, director of Insight at Beano Brain, which undertook the survey of 4,556 seven to 14 year-olds said, ‘Since the schools first shut in March 2020 we’ve been tracking the behaviours and sentiment of over three million kids 7-14 to hear first-hand how their lives have changed. The inability to see friends in person has constantly been their biggest concern and our latest research reveals that even now despite restrictions easing they are still not enjoying the play freedom they had before the pandemic.’
- The Summer of Play campaign is asking organisations to pledge their support at www.summerofplay.co.uk
For information on how to set up a Play Street this Summer, which will allow children to play on their doorsteps, visit Summer of play - Playing Out