The DfE is only seeking views on certain aspects of the EYFS.
This does not include aspects of the curriculum, as the new educational programmes and early learning goals (ELGs) have already been confirmed by the Government following the 12-week consultation in 2019.
The new draft is out for consultation until 18 March, as required by law under the Childcare Act 2006.
However, only certain sections are available for comment. These proposed changes to the current EYFS are highlighted in red in the draft document to show where the DfE is asking for comments.
As part of the legislative process needed to enact the reforms to the EYFS, the DfE recently sought views from local authority representatives, sector bodies and a number of early years providers on proposed minor changes to the safeguarding and welfare section of the revised EYFS statutory framework.
These changes are intended to ensure the EYFS requirements are clear and to help keep children safe.
The changes were not included as part of the public consultation in October 2019 as they are updates to clarify common questions on existing policy or to reflect updates in the law since the last revision of the EYFS framework was published in 2017. A number of responses were received and considered individually before finalising the draft.
Please note that DfE are not seeking further views on the changes to the EYFS framework that were confirmed in the Government’s official response to the 2019 EYFS reforms consultation. The response confirmed:
- Final educational programmes;
- Final early learning goals (ELGs);
- Removal of the statutory duty for local authorities to externally moderate EYFS profile judgements;
- Removal of the ‘exceeding’ judgement criteria from the EYFS profile;
- Change to the safeguarding and welfare requirements to promote good oral health.
More information
The draft is available here
The deadline for responses is 18 March. Send comments to EYFSP.REFORMS@education.gov.uk.