Children under five can take part in a one-day fancy dress fundraising event for Save the Children.

The charity’s ‘I Want To Be…’ challenge, which is open to nurseries, pre-schools and childminders, aims to help children celebrate their potential. The event can be staged any day between 29 April and 3 May.
Children will get to dress up as what they want to be when they are older and get sponsored to wear all or part of their outfit for the day. The money they raise will help the charity’s work to save children’s lives around the world.
Participating nurseries will get a pack to support the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework. It has resources themed around understanding the world, communication and language, and personal, social and emotional development.
Those taking part will also receive a press release to help them get local media coverage, a poster, sponsorship form and colourful stickers.
Early years settings that succeed in raising more than £250 will be entered into a prize draw to win 40 fancy dress outfits donated by the Early Learning Centre.
Children will get to dress up as what they want to be when they are older and get sponsored to wear all or part of their outfit for the day. The money they raise will help the charity’s work to save children’s lives around the world.
Participating nurseries will get a pack to support the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework. It has resources themed around understanding the world, communication and language, and personal, social and emotional development.
Those taking part will also receive a press release to help them get local media coverage, a poster, sponsorship form and colourful stickers.
Early years settings that succeed in raising more than £250 will be entered into a prize draw to win 40 fancy dress outfits donated by the Early Learning Centre.
- Visit to find out more, sign up and watch a short film. Alternatively, call 020 7012 6400 or email