'The Learning Country 2: Delivering on the promise' identifies key actions the Assembly aims to take in relation to early years education, schools, special educational needs, the 14-19 agenda, children and young people's participation, further and higher education, skills and supporting practitioners.
The consultation document states that over the past five years the Assembly has achieved '100 per cent part-time provision for all three-year-olds whose parents want it; provided 11,000 additional places for three-year-olds; funded or part-funded 30 integrated centres bringing together early years education, childcare, training and development and open-access play; introduced a Foundation Phase in 41 schools and settings; and made provision for the training of 450 additional early years practitioners.'
In the 2004 budget the Assembly announced plans to invest 50m in early years - 15m in 2006/07 and 35m in 2007/08.
Over the next five years, the Assembly aims to establish a new implementation group to oversee Flying Start, which focuses on disadvantaged under-threes, and to monitor its implementation alongside the childcare strategy. It also looks forward to an 'expansion in quality childcare provision' as a result of the measures and actions contained in the childcare strategy for Wales.
The delivery of this agenda is to be underpinned by the new Department for Education, Lifelong Learning and Skills, which will focus on improving children's services, education and training provision. The work will be supported by sector-specific stakeholder groups and existing bodies such as the Higher Education Funding Council.
'The Learning Country 2: Delivering on the promise' is available at www.learning.wales. gov.uk. The deadline for responses is 30 June 2006.