‘Delivering high-quality education under the new inspection framework: Intent, Implementation and Impact’ will focus on developing and delivering a broad and balanced early years curriculum that offers progression and challenge in children’s learning, so helping you to formulate, implement and articulate your vision of ‘quality education’ for the children in their setting.
Opening the programme and setting the scene will be Ofsted’s Wendy Ratcliff who will provide an overview of the revised framework, the new ‘Quality of education’ judgement and what happens on inspection day.
Keynote speaker Prof Chris Pascal will then focus on curriculum planning and pedagogy, including the skills, knowledge, values and attitudes to consider when planning a learning framework for the children in your setting. To follow, consultant Penny Tassoni will offer practical advice on how to plan and organise the learning environment.
The new EIF requires settings to ‘construct a curriculum that is ambitious and designed to give all learners… the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life’. To explain what this means for settings, members of London Early Years Foundation (LEYF), a social enterprise of 38 nurseries serving mainly disadvantaged families, will set out their understanding of ‘cultural capital’ and how it is expressed in their practice.
Rounding off the plenary sessions will be head teacher Ben Hasan, whose school piloted the framework. He will reflect on his experiences and pass on key messages, for both PVI and maintained settings, with a focus on Ofsted expectations of assessment, evidence gathering and evaluation.
Also included in the programme are a variety of workshops to help you build your understanding of curriculum planning and delivery. Subjects include ‘core experiences’ for under-threes, communication and language, mathematics, ‘behaviour and attitudes’ and using ‘Understanding the World’ as a basis for a broad, challenging and aspirational early years curriculum.
- To learn more and to book a place, visit: http://www.inspectionconference.co.uk/programme. Early bird rate until 31 October.