Nursery World's invaluable Practice Guide on the Revised EYFS collects together our recent series of articles on each of the Areas of Learning.

It aims to help you implement the revised EYFS now in place by:
- comparing the 2017 and 2021 educational programmes and Early Learning Goals for each Area of Learning
- highlighting the significant changes, and
- exploring key aspects of practice.
See our 'Revised EYFS: Areas of Learning' Practice Guide here
Each article is written by a leading early years expert, and the series includes:
- Physical Development by Anne O'Connor
- Personal, Social & Emotional Development by Anne O'Connor
- Communication & Language by Phil Armstrong
- Literacy by Phil Armstrong
- Mathematics by Di Chilvers
- Understanding the World by Judith Twani
- Expressive Arts & Design by Penny Tassoni
More Guides
- You can find all our Practice Guides at, including EYFS Guidance, where Dr Julian Grenier explains the revised Development Matters and looks at the seven key themes of effective practice in the EYFS.
- Management Guides on business, management, workforce and training are at
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