'When I first came to the hospital three years ago the nursery wasn't even on the hospital map, but now our profile has rocketed,' says Ealing NHS Trust childcare co-ordinator Rose Alphonse, who has been in post since July and also manages the 52 place on-site day nursery in west London. The nursery has introduced flexible hours so parents only pay for the hours they need, with a minimum of four hours a day. Rose runs a weekly childcare helpline and is currently conducting a survey of the Trust's 14,000 staff to gauge childcare needs. 'I am asking what the Trust can do to help, such as offering later nursery opening hours. We have a holiday club and the next thing we are looking at is weekend care. A few people have enquired about emergency childcare, so that is something else we're considering. Ealing is a Neighbourhood Nursery Initiative area, so I am also investigating gaining funding from there.'
'When I first came to the hospital three years ago the nursery wasn't even on the hospital map, but now our profile has rocketed,' says Ealing NHS Trust childcare co-ordinator Rose Alphonse, who has been in post since July and also manages the 52 place on-site day nursery in west London. The nursery has introduced flexible hours so parents only pay for the hours they need, with a minimum of four hours a day.
Rose runs a weekly childcare helpline and is currently conducting a survey of the Trust's 14,000 staff to gauge childcare needs. 'I am asking what the Trust can do to help, such as offering later nursery opening hours. We have a holiday club and the next thing we are looking at is weekend care. A few people have enquired about emergency childcare, so that is something else we're considering. Ealing is a Neighbourhood Nursery Initiative area, so I am also investigating gaining funding from there.'
* Staff at Hereford Hospitals NHS Trust are saving on childcare with the introduction of childcare vouchers. Acting childcare co-ordinator Karen Miller says, 'They've been a real success since the vouchers were introduced in June. Parents can save around 10 per cent of their childcare costs and they can be used for any registered childcare.'
The Trust is applying for capital funding to set up a nursery for healthcare workers and has developed a playscheme in partnership with the local college. 'It is a godsend for parents, especially those who don't have family nearby,' says Karen. 'Parents' needs are now at the forefront in the hospital and people who are coming back to work after having children are being reassured that they can work fewer hours and work the shifts that suit them.'