More than 60 roadshows will take place over the next few months to support the implmentation of the two-year-old offer for two-year-olds. These will take place during the day, evenings and weekends, running from 9.30am to 1pm. Confirmed dates are:
- Newcastle – Gateshead Hilton Hotel – 25 November 2013
- Birmingham – Thistle Hotel – 26 November 2013
- Nottingham – Mercure Hotel – 3 December 2013
- Wimborne – Hamworthy Club – 5 December 2013
- Leeds – Novotel Hotel – 6 December 2013
- London – QEII Conference Centre, Westminster – 11 December 2013
A2YO is the national DfE support programme for providers and local authorities, delivered by Hempsall's and Mott MacDonald.
National support director James Hempsall says, ‘Roadshows aim to offer providers, childminders and schools with all the information they need to consider whether it is right for them to offer free places for two-year-olds.
‘You can hear all about developments across the country, what you need to be considering, how to work with your local authority, and things you could or should be doing. With free early learning for two-year-olds being an exciting new funding stream, there are business and funding opportunities for providers to carefully consider how to get involved.
To book your place contact bookings@hempsalls.com