'What parents want - a 21-point plan for better childcare' recommendsextending free childcare places for all three- and four-year-olds to atleast 20 hours a week for 48 weeks in the year, and extending parentalleave to 24 months.
Alison Garnham, Daycare Trust joint chief executive, said, 'We've come along way from the childcare desert of the 1980s, with a huge expansionof childcare places, free places for three- and four-year-olds and arange of options that would have been almost unthinkable 21 years ago.It could be said that childcare has truly come of age.
'But Daycare Trust believes there is still a long way to go. Our visionis a future where every parent has access to the high-quality childcarethat suits their needs, at a price they can afford.'
The Trust is campaigning for better quality and affordability inchildcare, and choices in balancing work and family life. The 21-pointplan is at www.daycaretrust.org.uk.